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    Главная » Скачать dproto [0.9.179] - HLDS serverside crack (05/08/2012)

    Скачать dproto [0.9.179] - HLDS serverside crack (05/08/2012)

    Категория: Counter Strike Mods

    dproto is a plugin for metamod that allows p.47 and 48 no-steam clients to join the hlds-based server.

    CURRENT VERSION: 0.9.179
    For more information and updates please check http://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=55986

    bin directory - Binaries (libraries) for linux and windows.
    amxx directory - some AmxModX plugins that uses dproto functionality
    dproto.cfg - dproto configuration file.
    Readme.txt - This file.

    - clean (unpatched) engine files (swds.dll for windows; engine_i686.so for linux)
    - metamod 1.19 or 1.19p32
    - currently supported builds are all p48 engines for windows and linux

    1. Go to <gamedir>/addons/ and make new directory named dproto
    <gamedir> - it is a game directory; cstrike for Counter-Strike, valve for Half-Life, etc
    2. Copy dproto.dll or dproto_i386.so to <gamedir>/addons/dproto/
    3. Go to metamod installation directory (usually its <gamedir>/addons/metamod/) and edit plugins.ini:
    add this line for windows
    win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll
    or this for linux
    linux addons/dproto/dproto_i386.so
    at the beginning of the file
    4. Copy dproto.cfg to server root or gamedir.
    5. Start the server. You should use this command on linux:
    ./hlds_run -binary ./hlds_i686

    when server loads, type "meta list" in console. You'll see something like this:
    Currently loaded plugins:
    description stat pend file vers src load unlod
    [ 1] dproto RUN - dproto_i386.so v0.9.179 ini Start Never
    [ 2] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY
    2 plugins, 2 running
    6. If status is not "RUN", start server with "+log on +mp_logecho 1" parameters and look through console output. In 99% cases you'll find reason there.
    7. Installation of AmxModX plugins from amxx directory is not necessary.

    Use cid* options in AUTHID MANAGEMENT section of dproto.cfg
    For example, if you want to assign steamids generated by IP for p47 clients that not support unique id generation, you should set:
    cid_NoSteam47 = 3 for assigning STEAM_x:y:z steamid to these clients
    cid_NoSteam47 = 4 for assigning VALVE_x:y:z steamid to these clients

    If you want to drop these clients, just set clientid to 5:
    cid_NoSteam47 = 5
    And all p47 clients without emulators will be dropped with message that you can customize (see next section).

    This could be done using these cvars:
    dp_rejmsg_steam for legit steam (cid_Steam) clients;
    dp_rejmsg_nosteam47 for no-steam p47 (cid_NoSteam47) clients;
    dp_rejmsg_nosteam48 for no-steam p48 (cid_NoSteam48) clients;
    dp_rejmsg_hltv for HLTV (cid_HLTV) clients;
    dp_rejmsg_pending for unathorized (cid_cid_SteamPending) clients.
    dp_rejmsg_revemu for revEmu (>= 9.74 && <= 9.82) clients
    dp_rejmsg_steamemu for steamEmu clients
    dp_rejmsg_oldrevemu for old revEmu clients (< 9.74)
    dp_rejmsg_avsmp for AVSMP clients
    dp_rejmsg_revemu_sc2009 for revEmu (>9.82) and SteamClient2009 clients

    Just put message to them and it will be displayed for rejected clients.

    Example, a part of server.cfg:
    dp_rejmsg_nosteam47 "Sorry, you're using old client, download a new one and come back ;)"

    check the amxx/dp_test.sma. This is sample plugin that writes protocol number when client connecting.
    NOTE: this is _sample_ plugin and its installation is not necessary.

    dp_ipsessions (command) - lists active connectionless sessions and info about them.
    dp_secplrlist (command) - lists active players with some boolean options: U = Slot is used; A = Active network client; P = passed fakeplayer check;
    dp_lastthreats (command) - lists last threats.
    dp_heapinfo (command) - writes internal heap usage to <gamedir>/mem.txt.
    dp_log_msgoverflows (cvar) - enables/disables dumping contents of messages on overflow.

    Armind for testing, bugreporting;
    AlexALX for testing;
    bDy for testing on FreeBSD;
    Co6aka for tesing;
    Dark-Master for testing, bugreporting;
    debugger_perm for original idea and testing;
    DrilLer for testing, bugreporting;
    GoD2.0 for redirection fix idea;
    gromo for testing, bugreporting;
    ineya for Hybrid serverinfo trick;
    jamess for "deprecated" id idea;
    La_Vladimir for testing, bugreporting;
    Lev (aka Flasher) for help and testing;
    P4rD0nM3 for testing, bugreporting;
    Shidla for testing;
    SISA for hard testing of eST support and deprecated clientids;
    **$n@!ke** for testing, hlstats fix idea;
    Valve for good games ;)
    All people from this (http://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50689&start=660) thread
    And all other people whom I forgot

    Категория: Counter Strike Mods | Добавил: Harry-Topor 27.08.2012, 07:47

    Просмотров: 18902 | Загрузок: 9

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